Fitness and Training,

Did you pack on a few pounds during the winter months, arre you ready to get back in shape and drop a few pounds? If you need a personal trainer, or want to find a gym that fits your style,  no matter you’re your fitness needs, in this section you will find qualified instructors, trainers, and classes focusing on your fitness goals located in Golden, CO..  Trainers specializing in Aerobics, Cardio, Sport Fitness, Pilates, Yoga, and many more!.  We feature trainers willing to discuss your fitness goals and form a plan that works for you to help you reach them.  Get summer fit today, the hard part is getting started, but you’ll feel so much better after you do! Be a model, or just look like one! Feel better about yourself, healthier and gain more energy!

Carl Iron Shell -Trainer (View)
Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
For more information, please call: (303) 242-6551
You are always welcome at The Point!
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390 Union Blvd. Suite 650
Chiropractic & Physical Wellness
Dorian Haywood
Ali Baba Grill - Lebonese and Persian
Anthony's Pizza & Pasta
Blue Canyon Bar & Grill - casual fare
Bono's Italian Restaurant
Briarwood Inn - continental
Cody Inn Restaurant Restaurant
El Dorado Mexican Restaurant
El Señor Sol - Mexican
El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant
Empanada Express - Venezuelan
Grappa Bistro - mediterranean
Halu Sushi
Hop's Restaurant & Brewery - brewpub
In the Zone Sports Bar - casual fare
Lonestar Steakhouse - casual
Macaroni Grill

Colorado Inside Scoop                                                              303-351-8315

Carl Iron Shell                               call for a free consultation   303-242-6551
Certified Personal Trainer

Golden Pilates                                                                        303-279-8008
922 Washington Ave # 200, Golden, CO

Anytime Fitness                                                                      720-838-4286 393 N Washington Ave, Golden, CO

Genesee Mountain Fitness                                                      303-526-5997
25938 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 160, Golden, CO

Crossfit (RED) Endurance                                                         706-570-4807    16948 South Golden Road, Golden

Curves                                                                                    303-278-1551
17740 S. Golden Road, Golden, CO

Boot Camp Challenge                                                            720-628-2901
1470 10th Street, Golden, CO

Golden Tae Kwon Do Family Center                                      303-277-0060
17301 W. Colfax Ave, Suite 156, Golden, CO

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Solar Energy Technology
Want to “Go Green” in your energy choices. Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences to the environment such for example as fossil fuels or nuclear energy.  Alternative energy sources are renewable.
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Carl Iron Shell
Certified Personal Trainer
Golden, CO
Non  Profit Organizations are businesses that do not profit from the money given to them, they put any profit back into the cause their organization supports.  Non Profit organizations (NPO) includes charities, trade unions, trade associations and Public arts Org.
Need a haircut or want a new style all together? Thinking about highlights, lowlights, or a completely different hair color? We have stylists for that.  In this section you will find hair salons with experienced hair stylists specializing in all the hottest hair trends.  Need to get your nails done,
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922 Washington Ave #200
Golden, Co
393 Washington Ave #200
Crossfit Endurance